Latest Vitiligo Treatment and Vitiligo Success Stories

Success Story 1: Weird Diet Trick Eliminates Vitiligo



My good friend David was just 22 years old when his college roommate had noticed a big white splotch on his back.

“It looks like your skin coloring just faded away,” he said.

A few weeks later, a few more white splotches appeared on his legs and stomach, and in less than a month, they spread to other parts of David’s body, including his face.

Now he was beginning to panic, and people were beginning to notice.

His dermatologist said something that shocked him to the core:

“This isn’t something we can cure,” he said.

“Sometimes, it can be controlled, but in most cases, it gets worse and worse, until the entire body is affected.”

David left his office in tears.

…and that’s when something miraculous happened.

Seemingly out of nowhere, David stumbled onto this 1 unusual diet trick that completely eliminated his vitiligo and restored the natural color of his skin, without steroids, creams or excimer laser:

Here’s to a vitiligo-free life => 








Success Story 2:  Heal Vitiligo in 21 Days


If you or someone you love is suffering from Vitiligo (patches of discolored skin spread all over the body or face), then you need to start eating THESE two foods (Look at the link below).

Just 21 days after adding these 2 unusual but delicious foods to his daily meals, a 48-year-old man from California who had severe vitiligo started noticing his skin color is gradually being restored to its natural condition.

45 days after that and he’d he had no discolored skin anywhere on his body– completely naturally. But it gets better... These two compounds, found in a variety of everyday foods, have now been used to develop THIS breakthrough cure for vitiligo, which has already helped 162,786 men and women to heal their vitiligo in as little as a few weeks.

Feeling a little skeptical? I was too. But then I saw this shocking video:


Free Download Vitiligo Miracle



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Shadow Fight Arena Review: Will It Be The Best Action Mobile Game?

This time I will discuss a game which in my opinion is quite interesting to discuss, and the game is a Shadow Fight Arena game with the genre of action, okay, let's go straight to the short discussion, okay?

Shadow Fight Arena is the latest Android/iOS action game that still doesn't know when its release schedule will be. This game was created by the NEKKI developer who also created the game Shadow Fight 3 which is predicted to be a competitor to Mortal Kombat in the action genre in android games. Still carrying the name Shadow Fight, it might be more interesting if the storyline is still in a straight line with Shadown Fight 3.


Shadow Fight Arena

In today's gaming era, most games are starting to enter the realm of PvP where many games include this feature. For the story itself, you can choose 3 characters who can accompany you to complete a mission, or fight with other players. Each of these characters has a unique ability that you can use to deal damage to your enemies.

In addition, there are many features introduced in this game, apart from PvP battles, there will be new heroes that you can play and of course these characters were not in the previous version of the game. With so many characters with different characteristics, it's clear that there will be different combos. Lastly they also promise spectacular battle animations and stunning graphics, will this be as promised? we'll just wait.

As for my personal opinion, the fighting or fighting genre is a little behind with hype genres like MOBA or FPS, so it's possible that this game is only a "side" game. However, of course there are still users who are "die hard" with the fighting genre, and this is probably the loyal user of this game. 

With this many features, users or gamers should feel at home with the game for a long time, and if there is a suggestion it might be more interesting if there is a scene where the enemy finishes off in the style of Fatality Mortal Kombat, because that is one of the strengths. the main draw of an action game like this.

Of course, the graphics and animation must be good and "wow", but this is also a double-edged sword, where many users will not be able to enjoy the maximum gaming experience. Maybe the specialty of this game is PvP, but I hope there will be a story mode that can be played, and items to strengthen weapons or strengthen characters are not too difficult to find, because most PvP games the weakness is that it is difficult to find power-up items to that matter. 


Shadow Fight Arena
Shadow Fight Arena Online PvP Mobile Game

Finally, maybe don't pay too much, because most users want to play the game for free, if buying skins or cool items is sold without adding stats, maybe it's realistic for developers. Honestly, I'm really looking forward to this game, if you really like this game, you can download here.

Okay, that was the opinion about the latest android fighting game Shadow Fight Arena, I hope this article is useful for all of you. If you have suggestions about applications and games that you want to discuss, you can comment in the column below, thank you!





The way to lose weight is actually very easy and can be done quickly. But most people are often impatient and are always easily tempted by the foods they like. Restraining the appetite of the foods you've always wanted to eat is the main key to losing weight fast.

Whatever weight loss program you do, if you eat a lot of food then the weight will be difficult to lose. Whoever you are, wherever you are, reducing food intake is the key to losing weight. Therefore, success in losing weight can only be achieved by changing the frequency of eating. It's as simple as that.

There are a lot of different diet programs and diet strategies in losing weight out there, and many of them don't work because they can't control their appetite. Even though you often exercise, often eat healthy foods, as long as the frequency remains high, it will be difficult for you to lose weight.

In fact, if you can reduce the frequency of eating, if you can reduce the portion of food, even if you do not exercise, then your weight will lose by itself. And if you exercise while eating less, exercise while resisting appetite, then it will burn fat faster and help shape the body to be more proportional.

The process of restraining the appetite I prefer to call it fasting. Because restraining the appetite I mean here is to restrain the appetite at a certain time span in a disciplined manner like someone who is fasting. The process is to refrain from eating food / drink during the day and only eat once a day, that's at 6 p.m.

At that time, or at night you can eat whatever you like but with moderate portions and not excessive. If you overeat, even if it's only eating once a day then you'll still be fat. Eat normally but only once and not overdo it. The characteristic of overeating is when your stomach feels very full of food. Stop eating before you are full.

The most important thing in the process of losing weight by fasting is patience, discipline, and do not easily despair. Many people fail to lose weight because they lack patience when they almost made it. Imagine, you have eaten so much food for so many years that you become fat, therefore, do not expect you will become slim just by holding the appetite for a few months only. 

For example, if you've been eating a lot of food for the past 20 years, then you should learn to resist your appetite for at least 1-2 years in a disciplined manner until there are significant changes to your body. That's a fair enough time, and it's been your risk due to the habit of overeating in the past that you have to change right now. 

Success takes time. Most of my friends who have managed to lose weight can achieve it in months and not instant. But with patience and good discipline, the process will be faster. Below I will give you step by step how I lose weight quickly and effectively.

1. Resist Hunger
/Appetite During The Day Starting From 6 AM - 6 PM (Fasting). 

During the day I resist hunger, holding the appetite as strong as possible patiently. What if you have to get active? Should I keep fasting? Although you have to do activities such as working in the office, you have to be able to hold it, I also work from Monday to Friday and I still do fasting, divert your appetite with activities so that it does not feel that you are fasting. 

Tips: Avoid your eyes from looking at food, if there are many foods or drinks around you then you should be kept away immediately so that you are not tempted. Enjoy the process until it becomes a habit and do not be used as a burden on the mind.

2. Exercises

If you have a little free time, do a simple exercise that you can do anywhere. The exercise below is very effective in losing weight when combined with fasting. You can do it in the afternoon before 6 p.m., do as much as you can. The following are some simple exercises that I often do every day for 30 - 60 minutes:

Lifting Weights
Lifting Weights


Sit Up
Sit Up

Push Up
Push Up

3. Buy Less Food

If you often buy a lot of food / drinks and store them in the refrigerator, it's time to reduce that. Use your money for other things like buying sports equipment or saving for the holidays. Do not store a lot of food on the table in the house, reduce the amount of food stores in the house so that you are not tempted to eat continuously. Surveys show that most people can't stop eating when there's food nearby.

Tips: If you have a lot of money to buy a lot of food or if you have a lot of food in your home, try to give those foods to people in need, neighbors who need food, share it with hungry people, orphans, the poor, the homeless, and people like that. There are many poor people who lack food out there, with often charitable like this then your life will be happier and it is good for your mind and soul.

Those are some of the efforts I often do in losing weight. Through the above methods I managed to overcome the excess weight that I had suffered. The main key to success lies in your patience and discipline in resisting hunger, resisting appetite (fasting). Eating once a day will not make you starve to death, but you will feel healthier in the future.

Nowadays, eating once a day becomes my daily habit and I feel healthier and stay slim. I can eat whatever I want any time but certainly not excessive, because if overeating will make anyone fat again. Eating a lot is a symbol of gluttony and it is a very bad human nature, so eat with moderate portions for the sake of your health in the future.

As you can see, losing weight is actually very easy, the hardest thing is to be patient in resisting the appetite that often appears in your mind. If you can master patience in resisting appetite, then you will succeed in becoming slimmer and prettier.


Incredibly Fit Celebrity Over 50:  Beautiful Elizabeth Hurley (age 57 years old) showed her wearing a white swimsuit from her Elizabeth Hurley Beach collection while displaying her flat midriff and toned thighs.


Losing weight in any way will take time and I know that you want to get faster results. Therefore, I will also give some product recommendations that I think are good and claimed to help speed up weight loss. I recommend that you watch the explanatory video first until it is finished so that you understand before buying it.

Product Recommendations:

1. JavaBurn 

If you like coffee as much as I do, then this product I highly recommend for you to try. 

Watch the video here:  JAVABURN OFFICIAL  (Special link with discount)

2. Exipure

If you don't like coffee, then I recommend you to try Exipure capsule.

Watch the video here: EXIPURE OFFICIAL  (Special link with discount)


Good luck!


Anger and Strenuous Physical Activity Can Trigger a Stroke

Stroke is still a disease that worries many people. Although this health problem is more experienced by the elderly, the fact is that young people can also have a stroke. Reporting from the Mayo Clinic, a stroke is a disruption or reduced blood supply to a part of the brain that prevents brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. As a result, brain cells begin to die within minutes.

Stroke is a medical emergency that requires prompt treatment. Early treatment can reduce brain damage and other complications. There are various causes that make a person suffer a stroke, ranging from smoking habits, diabetes, obesity, alcoholism, to heart disease. However, according to a recent study published recently in the European Society of Cardiology's "European Heart Journal," anger and too much physical activity can also be a cause of stroke. The findings came after a team of researchers observed more than 13,000 stroke patients in 32 countries as part of the INTERSTROKE study.


Agry Cartoon Art
"Don't Be Angry For You Heaven" - (Islamic proverb)


Although stroke prevention is a priority and can be done in various ways, in fact when someone has a stroke is still difficult to predict. The study's lead researcher and professor at the National University of Ireland Galway, Andrew Smyth said his team's research aimed to look at the causes that could trigger a stroke. This goal, he said, is in contrast to many other studies that focus on medium to long-term causes, such as hypertension, obesity, or smoking.

He added, this study analyzed the pattern in patients suffering from ischemic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage. Meanwhile, ischemic stroke is blockage of blood flow to the brain by a blood clot and intracerebral hemorrhage is bleeding in brain tissue that can spread to the ventricular space of the brain and cause brain swelling.

In its findings, the study found that 1 in 11 survivors was angry or upset an hour before their stroke. Meanwhile, 1 in 20 other patients had time to do strenuous physical activity. The study, led by the National University of Ireland Galway, found that anger or emotional disturbances contributed as much as 30% to an increased risk of stroke during the hour after the episode.

The study also noted that physical activity could increase the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) by about 60% during the same period after strenuous activity, but not with all strokes or ischemic stroke. Then, there was also a greater increase in stroke risk in women and less risk for those with a normal body mass index (BMI). "Acute anger or emotional distress was associated with the onset of all strokes, ischemic stroke, and ICH, whereas acute strenuous physical activity was associated with ICH alone," the study wrote.

The doctor who is also a stroke consultant at the University Hospital Galway, Dr. Michelle Canavan says that people of all ages should take care of their mental and physical health. However, it should be noted that it is also important for some people to avoid strenuous physical activity. Enough with moderate exercise on a regular basis. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says one person has a stroke every 40 seconds and one person dies of a stroke every 4 minutes.

Nearly 800,000 people in the US have a stroke each year and about 87% of all strokes experienced by Americans are ischemic strokes. There are several ways to prevent stroke, such as by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, treating high blood pressure, and not smoking. However, professor at the National University of Ireland Galway, Martin O'Donnell said their research also showed anger or irritation and strenuous physical activity could increase the risk of short-term stroke. "We emphasize that brief episodes of strenuous physical activity are different from engaging in regular physical activity, which reduces the long-term risk of stroke," explains O'Donnell.


"Never forget what a man says to you when he is angry." – Henry Ward Beecher

"Beware of him that is slow to anger; for when it is long coming, it is the stronger when it comes, and the longer kept. Abused patience turns to fury." – Francis Quarles

"Do not say, "I cannot help having a bad temper." Friend, you must help it. Pray to God to help you overcome it at once, for either you must kill it, or it will kill you. You cannot carry a bad temper into heaven." – Charles Spurgeon

 "A quick anger will make a fool of you soon enough."

"Anger doesn't solve anything It builds nothing, but it can destroy everything."

"A man of great anger will bear the penalty"




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